How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

May 27, 2024
How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

You've been feeling it for a while now—that nagging sense that your website might be due for an overhaul.

Maybe your traffic has plateaued, your messaging feels outdated, or your competitor's site looks better than yours.

It should be an easy decision. Except it’s not.

A website redesign is a significant investment. What if it doesn't deliver the results you want? Worse yet, what if it hurts your search rankings and conversions?

If that sounds like you, just know that you’re not alone. It's a common feeling that plagues many business owners.

And for a good reason. It’s a tough decision. You wait too long, and you risk falling behind and missing out on opportunities. Redesign too frequently, and you might confuse your audience.

So, what's the sweet spot?

That's what we'll cover in this article. We'll point out the red flags that indicate your site needs a redesign, explain the ROI of a well-timed update, and identify factors that influence it.

How often should you redesign your website?

The quick answer is every 2-3 years. But that recommendation comes with a big fat caveat because, like all generalizations, it doesn’t consider specifics. So, the best course of action is to read the rest of the article and understand the nuances associated with website redesigns.

The ROI of an effective website redesign

Many people put off redesigning their website because they see it as an unnecessary expense. They fail to see the return on investment (ROI). An effective website design can yield significant returns for your business. Let's take a closer look at some of the tangible benefits a well-executed website redesign can bring.

Higher conversion rates

You'll get more sales and leads after a redesign focused on user experience and conversion rate optimization (CRO). This positive sales trend occurs because an effective designer will streamline the conversion funnel and customer purchase journey, which ultimately leads website visitors to purchase, fill out a form, or make an appointment.

For example, a construction business website we redesigned to include clear calls-to-action, streamlined navigation, and a compelling product showcase saw an uptick in quote requests and client inquiries.

Website design for MLW Surfaces

Cost savings and operational efficiency

A strategic website redesign can result in substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies. It can streamline processes, automate tasks, and provide customers with self-service options.

If operational efficiency is a priority, we set it as one of our project goals during our website redesign process. This helps our web development team identify cost reduction and workflow optimization opportunities.

Example: If a manufacturing company redesigned its website to include a self-service customer portal, enabling clients to access order history, track shipments, and manage account information, it could reduce the workload on the customer support team.

Competitive advantage and market share growth

A well-designed website can differentiate a business from its competitors and increase its market share.

For instance, an engineering firm showcasing its expertise, innovative projects, and thought leadership through a compelling website will likely attract more high-quality clients and establish itself as a market leader.

Website redesign for machine shop

We worked with Sohacki Industries, a leading high-precision machine shop, to revamp their website to keep up with new design trends. We highlighted their unique selling points (USPs), showcased their key projects, and featured their best content to improve their business growth.

Better brand perception and customer loyalty

A website redesign is an opportunity to strengthen your brand identity and foster deeper connections with your audience. By aligning your website's design, messaging, and user experience with your company's core values and brand personality, you can create a cohesive and memorable brand experience across all brand touchpoints. This consistent experience enhances your brand perception and brand recognition. It can also increase the likelihood of repeat business and positive word-of-mouth publicity.

Website design for RMHC

We teamed up with a regional Ronald McDonald House Charities chapter to revamp its website to better communicate its mission, impact, and donor stories. The project team was very happy with the outcome because the design project strengthened the nonprofit's brand perception and helped foster deeper connections with supporters.

Improved user experience and engagement

A redesign focused on improving user experience (UX) increases conversions. We have seen conclusive evidence that it can improve engagement metrics (such as time on site, pages per visit, and lower bounce rates) and reduce friction in the customer journey.

Website design for REV1 Engineering

We worked with REV1 Engineering to redesign its website to make it user-friendly and intuitive. We also created a resource hub so busy engineers could find answers within two clicks. The new website had a radically better user experience, which was reflected in the key performance indicators.

Higher search engine rankings

A redesign incorporating SEO best practices—such as responsive web design, good user experience, fast loading times, structured data, and optimized content—can significantly improve a website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Higher search engine rankings translate to reduced bounce rate, increased visibility, more organic traffic, and potential customers.

Website design for concrete contractor

We worked with Rite-Way Foundations, a leading concrete contractor in Atlanta, GA, to create a quick-loading, SEO-friendly website. The redesigned site had optimized website structure, content, and technical elements. Rite-Way Foundations recorded a 15X increase in organic traffic and a 3X increase in qualified leads.

Alignment with business objectives and growth

A strategic website design aligns with and supports overarching business objectives. By tailoring the website's features, content, and user experience, you can drive growth and support business goals.

Masterack, a leader in manufacturing upfit solutions for commercial vehicles, had an outdated website that made it hard for customers to access their products. We overhauled the website to be more user-centric and to support their business objectives. The new site had an easily browsable catalog of the company’s custom-made vehicle cargo installations. We designed search functionality, which allowed customers to search by category and vehicle. Both the customers and the Masterack team were very satisfied with the new website experience.

Website redesign for Masterack

We developed a new website for Sing Out Loud, the largest free music festival in Florida, which raised thousands of dollars for charity through ticket sales.

Website design for music festival

Staying competitive and relevant

A website redesign is often necessary to stay competitive and relevant. An engineering firm may need to redesign its website to showcase its adoption of cutting-edge technologies, sustainable practices, or innovative project delivery methods, demonstrating its ability to meet evolving client needs and industry standards.

Seven signs that you need a website redesign

Rather than redesigning your site based on a set schedule, it’s better to watch out for signs that indicate it needs a facelift. Here are seven red flags that signal your website could use a fresh coat of pixels.

Signs your website needs a redesign

Outdated design

Web design trends evolve rapidly. If you're still using an old design, it's probably due for a modern facelift. An outdated design can make your brand seem out of touch and outdated.

Poor user experience

If your visitors can't find what they're looking for or leave quickly, it clearly indicates that your user experience needs improvement.

Declining conversions

If your website is not generating leads, sales, or signups, that's a sign that things aren't going well. A redesign focused on the user journey could turn things around.

Outdated technology

If your current website lags behind on technology or doesn't meet modern web standards, it likely needs modernizing to stay compatible, secure, and functional.

Business offerings have changed

A site realignment is necessary when it doesn't reflect your company's current identity and offerings. You might need a redesign to display the new products and services.

Poor search rankings

Clunky UX or lack of mobile optimization could hurt your search engine rankings. An SEO-minded revamp may increase visibility.

Customer complaints and user feedback

Users, customers, or your own team are voicing complaints about your site's failings. If those align with your own gut feelings, it's likely time to act on that feedback.

Factors influencing website redesign frequency

Several factors can influence how often a business should consider redesigning its website. These factors can vary based on industry, target audience, and overall business goals.

Industry changes

Businesses must adapt their online presence to remain relevant and meet the evolving needs of their industry. This may involve redesigning the website to reflect changes in the business landscape, such as responding to disruptive events or incorporating new messaging and content to address emerging industry trends or concerns.

Example: A restaurant specializing in in-person dining may need to redesign its website to offer takeout, delivery, and outdoor seating in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Website redesign for New Knowledge

We helped New Knowledge, a software company that protects companies from coordinated disinformation attacks, change its messaging to target enterprises instead of startups to match its ideal client base.

Competitive landscape

Businesses have to keep evaluating their online presence to stay competitive. You might need a website redesign to implement new user acquisition strategies, differentiate through unique features or functionality, or exceed your competitors' user experience.

Zapier, a web-based automation tool, has successfully implemented a content-driven user acquisition strategy that seamlessly connects its informative blog content to its product's automation workflows. Zapier strategically places calls-to-action (CTAs) and embedded "Zaps" (pre-built automation workflows) that allow readers to instantly connect the tools they use and automate tasks related to the topic they're reading about. For instance, an article on "How to Automatically Save Gmail Attachments to Google Drive" would include a CTA to set up the corresponding Zap with just a few clicks.


Maybe you want to redesign your homepage or website to highlight features that your competitors don't have and can’t duplicate.

Example: A project management software company may redesign its website to highlight unique features that set it apart from competitors, such as advanced collaboration tools, customizable workflows, and integrations with popular third-party apps.

Or maybe you simply want to outdo your competition.

Example: An e-commerce business may need to redesign its website to match or exceed the functionality and user experience offered by its competitors, such as by implementing a more streamlined checkout process or offering personalized product recommendations.

Target audience behavior and expectations

As user behavior and expectations evolve, so should your site. This may mean changing your messaging, implementing a responsive design to accommodate mobile users, or ensuring accessibility.


  • Audience behavior: A university may have to redesign its website to implement a responsive web design because prospective students access information on their mobiles.
  • Potential customer expectations: A government agency may redesign its website to be more modern while meeting the latest accessibility standards, such as by providing alternative text for images, ensuring keyboard navigation, and offering closed captioning for videos to accommodate users with disabilities.

Technological advancements and web standards

Keeping up with the latest technological developments and web standards is crucial for maintaining a high-performing, secure, and user-friendly website. A redesign might be needed to address security concerns, incorporate new technologies that improve user experience (like Progressive Web Apps), or provide faster customer service (like AI-powered chatbots).


  • Website security concerns: An online banking platform may redesign its website to incorporate the latest security features, such as two-factor authentication and secure socket layer (SSL) encryption, to protect sensitive user data and maintain trust.
  • New tech expectation: Since most users want fitness apps on their mobiles, a fitness company may redesign its website to implement Progressive Web Apps (PWA) technology, which allows users to install the website as an app on their mobile devices.
  • Faster customer support: An e-commerce store selling electronics may redesign its website to incorporate AI-powered features to assist customers with product recommendations, troubleshooting, and order tracking.

Business growth and evolving goals

As a business grows and its goals evolve, the website may need to be redesigned to support these changes. This might include showcasing new products or services, adding new features, and aligning with new KPIs or business goals,


  • New offerings: A digital marketing agency that expands its offerings to include social media management may redesign its website to showcase its new services and attract clients seeking a comprehensive marketing solution.
  • New KPIs or business goals: An online retailer may redesign its website to increase the average order value by promoting bundles, cross-selling, and limited-time offers.
  • New functionalities: A B2B software company may redesign its website to incorporate a customer portal, allowing clients to access personalized resources, submit support tickets, and track their account status.

Business strategy

A website redesign can help you align your digital platform with your overall brand strategy. Often, that means optimizing your website for search engines, supporting a new content marketing campaign, or changing your messaging. The right website can help businesses achieve their long-term goals by effectively communicating and reinforcing their strategic direction.

Here are some ways website design can help your strategy.

  • SEO traffic: A manufacturing company may redesign its website to improve its search engine optimization (SEO) by creating a more logical site structure, internal linking, and improving page load speed.
  • Content strategy: A healthcare provider may redesign its website to better align with its content strategy, such as by creating dedicated resource centers for specific health conditions and incorporating clear calls to action to guide visitors to these resources.
  • Change in branding: A company undergoing a rebranding initiative may modify its web design to reflect its new visual identity, messaging, and values, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints and effectively communicating the brand's evolution to its audience.

As you can see, there are numerous factors that influence how frequently a business should redesign its website. It's not a one-size-fits-all decision. The ideal redesign timeline depends on your specific industry, target audience, evolving business goals, and overall digital strategy.

Considering a Website Redesign? We can help.

Feel like your website could use a refresh? Let's chat. Schedule a free consultation, and let's explore how a redesign can help you grow your business.

We create custom, functional designs for mid-sized organizations in manufacturing, construction, engineering, nonprofits, government, and professional services. You can see our portfolio page here.

At Trajectory, we take a personalized approach to every website redesign project. During our comprehensive discovery process, we'll carefully evaluate your unique situation, audience needs, and objectives to assess if a redesign is warranted and how to approach it strategically.

Ready for a stellar new website?

We combine strategy and beautiful design to build websites that drive growth.